South Salem Elementary School FAQ

Q: What is the start and end time of the academic day?:

A: The academic school day is from 8:45am to 2:50pm. Students can arrive starting at 8:30am.  Students start being dismissed at 2:50 until 3:15.

Q: What are the arrival and dismissal procedures?

A: Click here for details regarding arrival and dismissal.

Q: Who do I call if there is a bus related issue? 

A: For any bus related questions, you can contact Robin Allen, the Director of Transportation, at 516-767-5860. 

Q: Who do I contact if my child will be late or absent? 

A: Parents should call 516-767-5410 for any late or absence issues.

Q: Who do I contact if I need to pick my child up early from school? 

A: If you are picking up  your child early from school, please email [email protected] to notify the office. The child will come to the main office where the parent will sign the child out from school. If it is a last minute situation, you can call the main office at 516-767-5401. We kindly ask that children are not picked up any later than 2:30pm. 

Q: How does my child notify me if they forget an item they need at home? How do I drop off an item that my child forgot? 

A: If a child forgets an item they need for the school day, they can come to the main office to call home for the item. If the parent is willing and able to drop off the item, they bring it to the main office and the item is given to the child. 

Q: Where is the lost and found located?

A: The lost and found is located in the cafeteria at Salem. 

Q: Where is the visitor’s entrance?

A:  Visitors should enter the main doors closet to the parking lot. All visitors will need to press the button to be buzzed into the building and show their license. 

Q: Who do I call if my child is having difficulty with another student? 

A: Depending on the severity and location of the incident you can call a variety of different people. If it happened in the classroom, please contact the classroom teacher.  If the incident happened during recess or on the bus, please contact the school counselor. If the incident was physical in nature, please contact Dr. Ferrante by calling the main office. . 

Q: Who do I call if I have an academic concern about my child? 

A: If there is any academic concern, the parent should contact the classroom teacher or any support area teacher for the area of concern. 

Q: How do I set up a meeting with my child’s teacher(s)? 

A: For formal parent teacher conferences, parents will be notified on how to sign up for a time slot.  For any other informal conference, parents should email the teachers directly. 

Q: What student and family support services are offered?

A: Mrs. Kelly ([email protected]) is the school counselor at Salem Elementary. She can be reached at 516-767-5425 for any family issue or student concern.

Q: How do I access the school calendar of events? 

A:Click here for specific events for Salem that are listed under the Salem school. 

Q: How do I access the district calendar of events?

A: Click here for the district calendar

Q: What clubs/ activities are offered to students? 

A:  Each year the district funds a homework club for grades 2-5 (students are recommended by their classroom teacher to participate) and Math Olympiads for grades 4 and 5. Other clubs vary depending on funding from outside sources such as the HSA, Ed Foundation and HEARTS. 

Q: How do I prepay for lunch?

A: You can visit myschoolbucks.com in order to use a credit card to prepay for lunch. In addition, parents are able to send in cash or a check made out to Port Washington UFSD and have your child give it to the food service providers in the kitchen. The money will be added to your account. 

Q: How do I prepay for meals and find menus?  

  • Click here for myschoolbucks.com on the Food Service website. Scroll to bottom and follow directions “Get Started Today.” 
  • Click here for lunch Menu at Salem
  • Click here for the Free & Reduced Lunch Information & Forms

Q: Who do I contact if my child is having trouble with their district issued iPad/ chromebook? 

  • Contact your child's teacher

Q: Where do I get my login information for Synergy (Parent/ Student Portal)?

  • Any new parent to the district including first time kindergarten parents will receive a letter from the district with the password and login information to Synergy.  The same login is used throughout their years in the district.

Q: How do I change contact information?

Click here for Central Registration Forms to change your ADDRESS
Q: What is the district's grading and homework policy?
A: To view the district's Grading and Homework policies, please click below: